What Is It Like Being A Ghost
Dorothy Woods '26

Lie in the cool grass and let the sun wash over your bones
Shake your head and whisper nothings to the wind
Drift between the trees and cling to the thick fog in desperation
Sing wordless songs and make no sound as you sit in the tallest tree looking out over everyone
Watch the sun rise and set everyday and run from the moon
Ghost your lips over the water you can’t feel and trail your fingers through the dirt
Hold onto the stars and pray to a meaningless existence
Call out to the foxes and laugh when they don’t turn to look at you
Make daisy chains and wait for them to decay just like you
Hold your own hand and wish the silence away
Smile although no one’s heard your voice in thirty years and you can’t remember what it used to sound like
Let summer slip through your fingers and try to hold the last of the green grass in your milky arms
The fall rain will stream through your skin and you’ll go back into the trees to hid from it
Winter will start soon and you won’t notice the cold
The white snow will blanket your favorite field and there won’t be any tracks from your nonexistence
The sky will turn from gray to blue and the flowers will start to grow again
Bones will rest there in the field and more and more flowers will creep up through your ribcage
The moss covered rocks will guard you and you’ll stay between the field and the trees for another year
Thirty-one will become thirty-two and soon it’ll have been forty years
Forty years of your bones resting in the field as they quietly turn to dirt and plants and it’ll soon be forty years of drifting
Being a ghost isn’t so bad once you get used to silence